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Zapable White Label Review
Zapable White Label Review

Quickly if you're interested in selling mobile apps to clients and want to add additional recurring streams of income for very little effort you should definitely consider our white label license package where you can give client login details under your ground notes apple and the ability to send push notifications charge a nice recurring fee and the best part is you got to do all this for doing very little extra work push notifications are one of the easiest of cells to jamming with hands-free caring and come from a client to Let's jump over the computer and I'll show you fight easy it is the shop that's inside your cell phone account has been the most complete enterprise-level solution you ever need when it comes to stop codon I'm just really cool options which I'm just going to show you it's actually incredible so if you look at the screen.

I'm just going to walk you through each step so you can actually customize what year r l tropical shoes on to this is actually showing it on a different to me like we do you say this I'm going to login see up here I'm just going to login it's on my own two men missing if you want to start showing times so you may be thinking okay that's pretty cool but I'm only just getting started with you see what else I can do so let's just pop back and watch this customize my editor you can change the local the fabric on all the colors you can actually design any way you walked so I'm just going to change the logo real quick here new logo is added biscuit okay and then I'll maybe change the background color I can change the text color I can change him say it's all changing the way I want look at all this see the way I can change you can set this up anyway you want the choice is yours all easy super customizable okay and then whenever I accident it will see if I got to go back and.

[Sadece Kayıtlı Kullanıcılar Linkleri Görebilir Kayıt Olmak İçin Buraya Tıklayın!]
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Konuyu Okuyanlar: 1 Ziyaretçi

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